Grades 1st-6th
Why J.P.B.L.?
Our players and parents appreciate the luxury of having our games and practices in the same place. The convenience of having a home site in the heart of Tenafly, makes it appealing for parents when making arrangements to bring their child to & from practice.
Furthermore, our coaches work together to formulate detailed practice plans and strategic game strategy to ensure that the players internalize instruction and learn core values that make playing basketball at a high level truly special. Skill development is a primary benefactor for all who participate in our program. Your child’s basketball knowledge will be enhanced greatly throughout the season which makes the experience that much more memorable as each season comes to a close.
What Makes the J.P.B.L Unique?
As the season begins, our coaches will assess their experience level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) and place them on specified balanced teams. During the weekday skills training, players will engage in skill development focus groups which is beneficial as it promotes growth for kids of all skill levels. All practices & games will be held at the JCC on Sundays. Practices vary Monday-Thursday.
What is the Cost for this program?
Grades 1st-6th
Option 1: Sunday League & 1 weekday skills: (starting Dec. 9th- March 4th)
$500 (Member)/$600 (Public)
Option 2: Sunday League (JPBL): In-house league only
$350 (Member)/$400 (Public)
Uniform Fee: $50 (non-refundable)
Make-Up/Cancellation Policy
- Make-ups are only for games/skills cancelled by JCC.
- If registrant cancels after the first game/skills, the JCC will prorate the refunds for game/skills not yet attended.
- If registrant cancels after the second game/skills, the JCC will prorate credits to the person’s JCC account for the balance of the classes.
- Uniform fee is non-refundable
- All requests by email only to athletics@jccotp.org
For more information please contact Keri Thoren at kthoren@jccotp.org and JR Inman at jrinman@jccotp.org.
JCC Basketball Elite Mini Camp
🏀 School is out! We’re in! Calling all 5th-7th grade basketball players! Want to elevate your game? Join our holiday mini camps, intermediate or advanced players ONLY.
9am-1pm, $85/day (includes pizza lunch), sample schedule below.
*limited spots available (20 players per day)
Sample Schedule (Elite Skills Template)
*G.O.A.T. Training Only with Coach JR Inman
9:00am-9:20am = Shoot around & Welcome
9:20am-10:00am = Stretching & H.I.I.T. Workout (Calisthenics, Plyometrics, Agility & Interval Training)
10:00am-10:30am = Dribble Mania (NBA combination moves)
10:30am -11:00am = Shooter’s Marathon (1,000 shots *Game repetitions)
11:00am-11:10am = Snack break
11:10am-11:30am = King of the Court
11:30-12:00pm = Lunch
12:00pm-1:00pm = 5 on 5 game
1:00pm = Dismissal
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between J.P.B.L & BallerZ Elite Basketball?
- JCC Premier Basketball League (J.P.B.L.)
The JCC Premier Basketball League encompasses a skills training & game schedule that will commence on Sunday mornings, Tuesday, & Thursday evenings. Our in-house league consists of 10 games (plus playoffs) & 16 “Skills Clinics”. The games are coached by volunteer coaches & staff, & our skills training are conducted by a team of Basketball Trained Professionals. Please see information below:
Skill Clinic Time Slots:
4:30pm-5:30pm Grades 2 & 3
5:30pm-6:30pm Grades 4 & 5 *Finalized time following registration/evaluation
6:30pm-7:30pm Grades 4 & 5 *Finalized time following registration/evaluation
7:30pm-8:30pm Grades 6 & 7 - BallerZ Elite Travel Basketball Program
Coach JR Inman & his Staff in the BallerZ ELite Travel Basketball Program have created a competitive platform for talented hoopers interested in an elevated experience (20 team practices & 16 games). Our games take place both at the JCC & nearby bordering locations throughout Bergen County. These games & practices are managed by professional coaches only (No Volunteer Coaching).This is possibly the most glaring difference between the two program options we have to offer. Practices for BallerZ Elite focus more on a “team philosophy” rather than a focus on individual skill development which would be found more so in the “Skills training” found in J.P.B.L. Our approach here is to encourage players to develop their 5 on 5 instincts, & execute organized sets of formation.
Can my child do both?
Yes, players interested in maximum participation would register for the BallerZ Elite Travel Basketball Program which includes a full BallerZ Elite team travel schedule + J.P.B.L. in house league games.
- BallerZ Elite Schedule: (Monday & Wed. practices , Sunday J.P.B.L games & afternoon Travel game option)
- J.P.B.L. Schedule: (Tues. & Thurs. Skills training & Sunday J.P.B.L games only)
How do I register?
Registration is now live for both our BallerZ Elite teams & the J.P.B.L. league. Returning players from our BallerZ Elite program should sign the “Intent to return Registration Form”, if you are a new player interested in travel basketball you must click the BallerZ Elite New Players sign up which is also attached.
Players interested in the JCC Premier Basketball League should select the Sign up option which is the first link attached below. This will prompt you to make your payment and fill out the relative info listed. So register now for the program that best accommodates your student athletes schedule & game preference.
J.P.B.L Registration Link:
BallerZ Elite “Returning” players sign intent to return document:
BallerZ Elite Intent to Return Registration Form – Google Forms
BallerZ Elite “NEW” players must sign up with below link:
How can I get involved?
We are seeking volunteers in a number of roles in our basketball programing such as coaching (J.P.B.L), scorekeepers, & site management. If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity please let us know.
How are the teams organized?
Skills assessment (Evaluation 8/27/23 & 9/10/23). The teams are divided evenly by the league commissioner & parent consultants.
BallerZ Elite
Returning players & New players attend tryouts on 8/20 & 8/24
Teams created with the discretion of the Basketball Director