Thurnauer School of Music

Classes for Young Children and Introductory Instrumental Classes

Ages3 months - 7 years

Our early childhood music classes are designed to encourage joy, fun, and active participation. Through singing, poetry, rhythmic exploration, and movement, we help children discover music, learn to keep the beat, and develop their imagination and creativity. An ideal introduction of music to young children in a fun and welcoming environment!

Teacher holding guitar while toddler touches it.

The JCC Thurnauer School of Music is renowned as a center of artistic and educational excellence open to all.

The school has inspired thousands of students and families—transforming lives and sharing the joy of music through outstanding instruction, concerts, master classes, community events, and partnerships with local schools.

Toddler jumping off of a drum.
Young child in the classroom Students in a classroom in Tenafly, NJ at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
Group of toddlers playing with a xylophone.
Baby touching a guitar.
Young boy playing a bongo.
Three children playing a drum.


Classes for Young Children

Musikgarten® classes are an ideal introduction to music for young children.  A fun and welcoming class filled with exciting songs, musical movement, dramatic play, and storytelling. Families receive home materials that reinforce lessons and involve the whole family!  All our teachers are highly experienced music educators who love to share their passion and knowledge of music with children.  Classes will be held in person

Music Classes for Babies and Toddlers

3-36 months

Tot Shabbat Sing-a-long

Ages: 3-36 months

Located in the Dance Room/Percussion Room

Celebrate Shabbat musically!  Our classes are designed to encourage joyful, active participation and play through music, both Jewish and secular!  Through traditional Shabbat songs, singing games, fingerplays, rhythmic exploration, and movement, we help children explore their voice, learn to keep the beat, and develop their imagination and creativity Jewishly!  Traditional Shabbat celebration with challah and grape juice included in the class. No reservation needed.


Fridays 9:45-10:25 am

Musikgarten’s Music Makers 

Ages: 3-36 months

Welcome to Musikgarten’s Music Makers, where the enchanting world of music meets the wonder of childhood! Our baby and toddler music classes are a delightful blend of interactive melodies, rhythmic games, and sensory experiences designed to spark joy and nurture your little one’s development. Watch your baby giggle, clap, and sway to the captivating tunes in a supportive, fun-filled environment and stimulate your baby’s cognitive, social, and emotional growth through music. Led by experienced music educators, our class is a great way to connect with other parents and caregivers in a warm and welcoming setting.

Sundays at 9:45-10:25 AM
Wednesdays at 11:00-11:40 AM

Single session: $18/JCC member; $20/Public
Five sessions: $80/JCC member; $90/Public
10 Sessions: $150/JCC member; $160/Public

Musikgarten’s Music Makers 3-4 Years

Ages: 3-4 Years Old

Through music, nurture your child’s ability to use language and participate in dramatic musical play. Children sing, move, play instruments, and improvise through musical activities and storytelling that build your child’s musical ear and creativity.  

Sundays at 10:30-11:10 AM
Thursdays at 3:45-4:25 PM
16 Sessions – Starts Jan 26
$480/ JCC Member

Musikgarten’s Music Makers 5-6 Years

Ages: 5-6 Years Old

Give your child the gift of a strong musical foundation. Children develop their voice through musical games and age-appropriate songs, play instruments, and participate in guided listening activities. The students work with written musical notation and create their own simple songs. This developmentally sound approach builds your child’s music literacy, concentration, memory, and self-expression.

Sundays at 1:00-1:40 PM
Thursdays at 4:40-5:20 PM
16 Sessions – Starts Jan 26
$480/ JCC Member

Musikgarten’s Music Makers 6-7 Years

Ages: 6-7 Years Old

This class is excellent for preparing students for Beginning Creative Musicianship and private instrumental lessons.  By year’s end, students can read and compose with simple notation. Classes are filled with movement, musical games, and carefully scaffolded lessons on listening and singing music and writing music.  

Sundays at 3:00-3:40 PM
Thursdays at 5:40-6:20 PM
16 Sessions – Starts Jan 26
$480/ JCC Member

Introductory Instrumental Classes

Instrument Exploration

Ages: 4-6 Year Olds

Students will explore and begin to play the following: guitar, piano, violin and flute, in a small group setting and receive 7-8 weeks of instruction on each instrument! Except the piano, all other instruments are provided for families to take home during the class sessions. 

Wednesdays from 3:45 – 4:30 PM and 5:15 – 6:30 PM 
15 Classes: Starts Feb 12
$480 / JCC Member
$530 / Public

Piano Partners

Ages: 4-5 Year Olds

Discover the fun of playing the piano and learning simple songs in a small class setting that prepares children for individual lessons. Parents are encouraged, but not required, to attend class.

Sundays from 2:00 – 2:45 PM
Thursdays 3:45 – 4:30 PM 
16 Classes: Starts Jan 26
$480 / JCC Member
$530 / Public

Young Drummers

Ages: 6-7 Year Olds

Students love this fun “drumtastic” class where they learn to improvise, keep a steady beat, play in a group, learn to read music, and develop their own rhythmic and dynamic musical ideas!

Wednesdays 5:15 – 6:00 PM 
15 Classes: Starts Feb 12
$480 / JCC Member
$530 / Public

Ukulele Strummers

Ages: 6-7 Year Olds

If you’re looking for a fun instrument for your child, the ukulele is a perfect choice – learn the basics of ukulele playing!

Tuesdays 5:15 – 6:00 PM 
16 Classes: Starts Jan 30
$480 / JCC Member
$530 / Public

Learn More About Thurnauer

To get more information or schedule a visit, click below.


How early should a young child take music classes?

A young child should familiarize themselves with music as early as the infancy stages; even at as young as 6 months, children are able to interact with music through dancing and movement. Our classes are available for children ages 0-5. 

Why should a child take a music class so young?

Early childhood music classes help foster a love for music, enhance cognitive development, improve social skills through group activities, and promote coordination and fine motor skills during an age that is crucial for a child’s development. All parts of the brain are in play for the child as they interact with music. These classes are a fun and engaging way for children to express themselves and develop a sense of rhythm and melody from an early age.

Do parents attend the classes? What do they do in these classes?

We love to see parents joining their children in our classes! Our early childhood classes provide an opportunity for parents to connect with their children through music, movement, and fun. Parents will typically be asked to join the class in singing and dancing, which will act as a model for their children to watch and follow. 

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A pair of adult hands and child hands holding a red heart.