The Kaplen JCC on the Palisades will have limited hours during the Jewish Holidays in October.  Please view the full schedule here.

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Kaplen JCC on the Palisades Annual Meeting

At the Annual Meeting, the membership will vote on the slate of Directors and Officers of the Board, as presented by the Nominating Committee.

Kaplen JCC on the Palisades Annual Meeting

At the Annual Meeting, the membership will vote on the slate of Directors and Officers of the Board, as presented by the Nominating Committee.

Please find the proposed slate here.

Additional highlights of the Annual Meeting include:

·     A D’var Torah from Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi R. Kimelman

·     State of the Center Remarks by outgoing Board Chair Arthur Sinensky

·     A performance by the Young People’s Chorus @ Thurnauer

·     Honoring our Professionals and Volunteers of the Year

·     Remarks by incoming Board Chair Michael Kollender

Annual Meeting RSVP
