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Welcome November

Don't miss out on the November festivities! Check out our event calendar, mark your favorites, and make the most of your membership. Because at Kaplen JCC, every day is a celebration of community, connection, and YOU!

Welcome November *Members Only


Interested in becoming a Member?

New Members Bagels & Coffee

Sun, Nov 10, 9 am-11 am
Senior Adult Lounge

Are you a new member? We would love to meet you and introduce you to our vibrant community. Join us for a casual and welcoming morning of bagels and coffee!

Fall Boutique

Sun, Nov 17, 10 am-4 pm
Taub Auditorium

This year, our beloved Fall Boutique returns in style! It’s the perfect opportunity to prepare for the holiday season with an exciting array of unique gifts and cozy accessories.

The 40th Esther and Julius Adler Yiddish Concert

Wed, Nov 6, 11 am
Taub Auditorium

Enjoy the extraordinary and talented musicians bringing beloved Yiddish songs and timeless melodies to life, from joyous folk tunes to poignant ballads. Reservations required. Contact Lisa Robins at lrobins@jccotp.org

Kidz Zone

Sun, Nov 3, 10, 17, 9 am-12 pm
Senior Adult Lounge

Welcome to Kidz Zone! A fun, safe space for kidz ages 7-11 to enjoy board games, get creative with arts and crafts, and make new friends!

*Adult supervision required.

Membership perk! No need to sign up, we’ll just see ya there!

Family Open Play @ The J

Sun, Nov 10, 9 am-12 pm
Taub Auditorium

Join us for family open play on Sunday mornings! Games, bounce house, tumble mats and more!

Free Guest Day

Wed, Nov 20, All Day

Bring a friend to the J for FREE, and show them what being a part of our community is all about!

Free Seiden Day

Wed, Nov 27, All Day

Interested in seeing what Seiden is all about before becoming a member? Every fourth Wednesday of the month is Free Seiden Day! Take advantage of everything our premium wellness center has to offer. We promise you won’t regret it!

*Must be 21 and over.


With Herman Lindenbaum
Wed, Nov 20 at 11:30am

Keep up with the latest headlines and join the discussion on local, national and international news. Topics covered will include domestic politics, international events, health care, science and other subjects of interest to you.

Events for Seniors
Senior Adult Lounge

Every Tuesday in October and Thursday, November 21, 11:15 am

For more information contact Lisa Robins | Lrobins@jccotp.org

Social Games

Scrabble, Mondays 11 am – 2 pm
Canasta, Tuesdays 11 am – 4 pm
MahJong, Thursdays 10:30 am – 3:30 pm

Practice your skills and socialize with your own group or come and meet new people.

Free to JCC members.

Public pays $9 per session. Save money when purchasing an 8-session punch card for $60.

For more information and to register contact Esther Mazor | Emazor@jccotp.org