The Kaplen JCC on the Palisades will have limited hours during the Jewish Holidays in October.  Please view the full schedule here.

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The Power of Expression! NEW!

Your voice matters. In a safe and inviting space, students will learn how to express thoughts and feelings through creative outlets such as monologues, scenes or songs.

The Power of Expression!

Ages: 7th-12th Grade

Your voice matters. In a safe and inviting space, students will learn how to express thoughts and feelings through creative outlets such as monologues, scenes or songs. The instructor, along with a Social Work intern will provide a process for feelings to be shared and then transformed into pieces of performance art. Students will have the option to share these pieces with an audience.

Tuesdays from 6:00-7:00pm
January 30 – June 4, 2024
$395 / JCC Member
$495 / Public