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Heart to Heart: Solidarity + Volunteer Trip to Israel

Volunteer opportunities include working with children, agriculture, food preparation for soldiers and so much more.

Heart to Heart: Solidarity + Volunteer Trip to Israel

September 22-27, 2024

Embark on the Heart to Heart Solidarity + Volunteer Trip to Israel and be a beacon of support during challenging times. Join us at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades for our solidarity-volunteer trip to Israel. We will make a difference through our volunteer efforts and show the people of Israel our solidarity with them. We will bear witness to the sites of the October 7th atrocities, hear personal stories of that horrifying day, visit injured heroes, and so much more.   

A list of highlights for the trip:
Join our trip to Israel for a transformative experience

  • Visit the sites of the October 7th massacre
  • Meet and greet the soldiers as they go in and out of Gaza
  • Engage in diverse volunteer programs 
  • Visit a kibbutz in the north
  • Prepare a meal for soldiers and local security forces
  • Meet displaced families and hear their struggles
  • Hear from hostage family members
  • Take advantage of the opportunities for meaningful connections
  • Make a real contribution to the people we meet

*The itinerary may change based on the security situation
*Harel insurance in Israel offers coverage for visiting tourists

Interested in the Trip?

For information, contact Elana Prezant at eprezant@jccotp.org