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Flute Choir

Exciting practice and performance collaborations for intermediate and advanced flutists.

Junior Flute Choir

Grades 5th-8th

Exciting practice and performance collaborations for intermediate and advanced flutists in Grades 5th-8th.

To audition, contact Robyn Searles at rsearles@jccotp.org

Tuesdays from 6:45 – 7:30 pm
15 Classes: Starts January 30
$420 / JCC Member
$460 / Public 

Senior Flute Choir

Grades: 9th-12th

For advanced flutists in Grades 9th-12th 

Students enjoy making music together as they explore the challenges of the flute choir repertoire.
To audition, contact Robyn Searles at rsearles@jccotp.org

Tuesdays from 7:30 – 8:30 pm 
15 Classes: Starts January 30
$420 / JCC Member
$460 / Public