The Kaplen JCC on the Palisades will have limited hours during the Jewish Holidays in October.  Please view the full schedule here.

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Current Events

Keep up with the latest headlines and join the discussion on local, national and international news.  

Current Events 

With Herman Lindenbaum

Keep up with the latest headlines and join the discussion on local, national and international news.  Topics covered will include domestic politics, international events, health care, science and other subjects of interest to you.

Wednesdays, 6/12, 6/26, 11:30am-12:30pm, JCC Members Free/ $5 a session for the Public 

Lifelong Learning programs are sponsored by the Millicent and Harold May Family Endowment for Lifelong Learning in memory of Edward J. Newman, M.D. and the Michael J. Levitt Family Endowment Fund for Lifelong Learning.